Pericles: Act V, Scene i
Pericles. Act 5, Scene 1. Pericles and Marina
(This text is featured in our interview with Ben Steinfeld)
PERICLES 112 Pray you turn your eyes upon me. 113 ⌜You’re⌝ like something that—What ⌜countrywoman?⌝ 114 Here of these ⌜shores?⌝ MARINA 115 No, nor of any ⌜shores.⌝ 116 Yet I was mortally brought forth, and am 117 No other than I appear. PERICLES 118 I am great with woe, and shall deliver weeping. 119 My dearest wife was like this maid, and such 120 A one my daughter might have been: my queen’s 121 Square brows, her stature to an inch; 122 As wandlike straight, as silver-voiced; her eyes 123 As jewel-like, and cased as richly; in pace 124 Another Juno; who starves the ears she feeds 125 And makes them hungry the more she gives them speech.— 126 Where do you live? MARINA 127 Where I am but a stranger. 128 From the deck you may discern the place. PERICLES 129 Where were you bred? And how achieved you these 130 Endowments which you make more rich to owe? MARINA 131 If I should tell my history, it would seem 132 Like lies disdained in the reporting.
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