Our Impact
With over 80,000 page views and 50,000 listens in a little under nine years, the State of Shakespeare’s audience is ever growing. We’ve recently linked with The Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival, The Shakespeare Theater of NJ, The Los Angeles Women’s Shakespeare Company, Will Geer’s Theatricum Botanicum and The Utah Shakespeare Festival and The Oregon Shakespeare Festival in promoting their upcoming productions. On Social Media we are a presence with 3,100 Twitter followers, 1,300 Facebook Page likes, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn presences. We are contributors to The Shakespeare Standard and STA’s Quarto magazine. Our next step is in linking with educational institutions to add to their curricular needs with targeted interviews to use in their syllabi.
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Hi James and Gerritt,
As a longtime listener, huge fan and sometime donor, I wanted to reach out with two episodes from our new podcast Coaching Shakespeare. Completely inspired by the phenomenal work you two have done, I asked two former students to create a pod, with me, that teaches a “tool” an episode in order to help actors gather ways to approach Shakespeare’s text. It is the perfect side dish to your amazing work.
I would love to share two episodes and then ask if either or both of you would be willing to jump on a quick zoom with our team. We have so many questions about your pod process. I can’t share the episodes here but have them in an email, ready to send, if you would be amenable.
Your work was the first pod that drew me in. It has been an educational lifeline for years. When the site was down and I was teaching one of your episodes, you got right back saying the site was back up again. You have been a crucial part of my personal growth and a critical source for hundreds of my students. I hope you would be willing to check out the two episodes and jump on a zoom with our team.
Can’t wait to hear the interview with Michael and we wish you many years of continued success!
Victoria Pero, Amanda Whitely, Marissa Ferrara
Absolutely send us! stateofshakes@gmail.com.
So glad to hear that we are making an impact! Thank you so much for the kind words and for listening!