Below are many books and films that are recommended reading for any Shakespeare student.
Metamorphosis by Ovid
The Invention of the Human by Harold Bloom
A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare 1599 by James Shapiro
Shakespeare’s Sonnets by David West
Shakespeare’s Sonnets by Booth
Shakespeare’s Words by Crystal
Shakespeare’s Wordplay by Scott Kaiser
All the Words a Stage by Sheeder
Speak the speech by Plotkin
How to Speak Shakespeare by Louis Colaianni
Shakespeare in an Hour by Baker
Asimov’s Guide to Shakespeare Volumes 1 and 2
Prefaces to Shakespeare by Harley Granville Baker
Preface to Shakespeare by Samuel Johnson
Will in the World by Stephen Greeblatt
Shakespeare’s Language by Frank Kermode
Shakespeare: the World as Stage by Bill Bryson
Speaking Shakespeare by Patsy Rodenberg
The Actor and the Text by Cecily Berry
Playing Shakespeare by John Barton
Shakespeare’s Variorum editions.
Film and Television:
In Search of Shakespeare by Michael Wood (BBC)
Playing Shakespeare by John Barton and CO. (BBC)
Working Shakespeare with Cicely Berry
Monarchy (BBC)