A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Act IV, Scene i; First Folio


A Midsummer Night’s Dream.         Act 4, Scene 1.      Bottom

(This text is featured in our interview with Ian Gould)

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1728  When my cue comes, call me, and I will answer.
1729  My next is, most faire Piramus. Hey ho. Peter Quince?
1730  Flute the bellowes-mender? Snout the tinker? Starue
1731  ling? Gods my life! Stolne hence, and left me asleepe: I
1732  haue had a most rare vision. I had a dreame, past the wit
1733  of man, to say, what dreame it was. Man is but an Asse,
1734  if he goe about to expound this dreame. Me-thought I
1735  was, there is no man can tell what. Me-thought I was,
1736  and me-thought I had. But man is but a patch’d foole,
1737  if he will offer to say, what me-thought I had. The eye of
1738  man hath not heard, the eare of man hath not seen, mans
1739  hand is not able to taste, his tongue to conceiue, nor his
1740  heart to report, what my dreame was. I will get Peter
1741  Quince to write a ballet of this dreame, it shall be called
1742  Bottomes Dreame, because it hath no bottome; and I will
1743  sing it in the latter end of a play, before the Duke. Per
1744  aduenture, to make it the more gracious, I shall sing it
1745  at her death. 

  One Response to “A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Act IV, Scene i; First Folio”

  1. […] Click here for a First Folio version of the text. […]

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