Hamlet Act II, Scene ii – Folio


Hamlet Act II, Scene ii – Hamlet

This text is featured in our interview with Tyler Moss. And our interview with Barry Edelstein.

Click here to open up The Shakespeare Forum version in a new window to compare texts.

1336: Rosin.  What say you?
1337:  Ham.  Nay then I haue an eye of you: if you loue me
1338: hold not off.
1339: Guil.  My Lord, we were sent for.
1340: Ham.  I will tell you why; so shall my anticipation
1341: preuent your discouery of your secricie to the King and
1342: Queene: moult no feather, I haue of late, but wherefore
1343: I know not, lost all my mirth, forgone all custome of ex-ercise;
1344: and indeed, it goes so heauenly with my dispositi-on;
1345: that this goodly frame the Earth, seemes to me a ster-rill
1346: Promontory; this most excellent Canopy the Ayre,
1347: look you, this braue ore-hanging, this Maiesticall Roofe,
1348: fretted with golden fire: why, it appeares no other thing
1349: to mee, then a foule and pestilent congregation of va-pours.
1350: What a piece of worke is a man! how Noble in
1351: Reason? how infinite in faculty? in forme and mouing
1352: how expresse and admirable? in Action, how like an An-gel?
1353: in apprehension, how like a God? the beauty of the
1354: world, the Parragon of Animals; and yet to me, what is
1355: this Quintessence of Dust? Man delights not me; no,
1356: nor Woman neither; though by your smiling you seeme
1357: to say so.

  2 Responses to “Hamlet Act II, Scene ii – Folio”

  1. […] Click here to view the First Folio version. […]

  2. […] Click here for a Folio Version […]

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