Measure for Measure: Act II, Scene ii First Folio
Measure for Measure. Act 2, Scene 2. Angelo
(This text is featured in our interview with Tom Rooney).
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926: What’s this? what’s this? is this her fault, or mine?
927: The Tempter, or the Tempted, who sins most? ha?
928: Not she: nor doth she tempt: but it is I,
929: That, lying by the Violet in the Sunne,
930: Doe as the Carrion do’s, not as the flowre,
931: Corrupt with vertuous season: Can it be,
932: That Modesty may more betray our Sence
933: Then womans lightnesse? hauing waste ground enough,
934: Shall we desire to raze the Sanctuary
935: And pitch our euils there? oh fie, fie, fie:
936: What dost thou? or what art thou Angelo?
937: Dost thou desire her fowly, for those things
938: That make her good? oh, let her brother liue:
939: Theeues for their robbery haue authority,
940: When Iudges steale themselues: what, doe I loue her,
941: That I desire to heare her speake againe?
942: And feast vpon her eyes? what is’t I dreame on?
943: Oh cunning enemy, that to catch a Saint,
944: With Saints dost bait thy hooke: most dangerous
945: Is that temptation, that doth goad vs on
946: To sinne, in louing vertue: neuer could the Strumpet
947: With all her double vigor, Art, and Nature
948: Once stir my temper: but this vertuous Maid
949: Subdues me quite: Euer till now
950: When men were fond, I smild, and wondred how. [ Exit.]