Romeo and Juliet; Act III, Scene ii: First Folio


Romeo and Juliet      Act III, Scene ii        Juliet

This speech is used in our interview with Zuzanna Szadowski and Sara Topham

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Click here to open up modern version.

  1.  Gallop apace, you fiery footed steedes,
  2. Towards Phoebus lodging, such a Wagoner
  3. As Phaeton would whip you to the west,
  4. And bring in Cloudie night immediately.
  5. Spred thy close Curtaine Loue-performing night,
  6. That run-awayes eyes may wincke, and Romeo
  7. Leape to these armes, vntalkt of and vnseene,
  8. Louers can see to doe their Amorous rights,
  9. And by their owne Beauties: or if Loue be blind,
  10. It best agrees with night: come ciuill night,
  11. Thou sober suted Matron all in blacke,
  12. And learne me how to loose a winning match,
  13. Plaid for a paire of stainlesse Maidenhoods,
  14. Hood my vnman’d blood bayting in my Cheekes,
  15. With thy Blacke mantle, till strange Loue grow bold,
  16. Thinke true Loue acted simple modestie:
  17. Come night, come Romeo, come thou day in night,
  18. For thou wilt lie vpon the wings of night
  19. Whiter then new Snow vpon a Rauens backe:
  20. Come gentle night, come louing blackebrow’d night.
  21. Giue me my Romeo, and when I shall die,
  22. Take him and cut him out in little starres,
  23. And he will make the Face of heauen so fine,
  24. That all the world will be in Loue with night,
  25. And pay no worship to the Garish Sun.
  26. O I haue bought the Mansion of a Loue,
  27. But not possest it, and though I am sold,
  28. Not yet enioy’d, so tedious is this day,
  29. As is the night before some Festiuall,
  30. To an impatient child that hath new robes
  31. And may not weare them, O here comes my Nurse:                             Enter Nurse with cords.
  32. And she brings newes and euery tongue that speaks
  33. But Romeos, name, speakes heauenly eloquence:
  34. Now Nurse, what newes? what hast thou there?
  35. The Cords that Romeo bid thee fetch?

  2 Responses to “Romeo and Juliet; Act III, Scene ii: First Folio”

  1. […] Click here for a First Folio version of the text. […]

  2. […] Click here for a Folio Version. […]

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