Jan 172012

How are the Lion King and Shakespeare related?  Simple propositions.  Listen to Gareth Saxe explain how working on the Lion King proves that Theater remains a vital form of expression and acts as a Theater history lesson at the same time.

Jan 172012

Hamlet; Act 3, Scene 1
January 17, 2012

Get dirty! Dive in and explore Hamlet’s iconic “To be or not to be” speech with Gareth Saxe.  The interview explores Shakespeare in the digital age, trusting the text and playing the action. Gareth urges actors to conquer their fears by jumping in and getting messy.  Set your imagination on fire with this interview from Act 3, Scene 1 of Hamlet.

Click here to view Hamlet Act III, Scene i.

Click here for a fully-scanned version of the text.

Jan 102012

Celeste Ciulla as Titania

What does Gary Burghoff have in common with Tea and Sympathy ?  Both moved Celeste Ciulla with the strength of their theatricality.  Listen as Celeste reveals why she thinks Theater is such a powerful force for good.

Jan 102012

Julius Caesar: Act 1, Scene 2
January 10, 2012

Ay, Eye and I – get to the bottom of these one syllable words during our interview with actress Celeste Ciulla.  Featuring Cassius speech from Act 1, Scene 2 of Julius Caesar, Celeste tackles Greek myths, thorny thought puzzles and makes it all sound easy in the latest from the State of Shakespeare.

Click here to view Julius Caesar Act I, Scene ii.

Click here for a fully-scanned version of the text.